Thursday, April 3, 2014


Most people chew gum for the big burst of flavor.
Some people chew gum till it turns into putty.
Only you deal with a mouthful of nothing,
and that’s why I asked you to dance.

Most people put me in mind of John Calvin.
Some people put me in mind of John Lennon.
Only you strike me as Saint John the Baptist,
and that’s why I asked you to dance.

Most people said I should go on vacation.
Some people said I should sleep until dinner.
Only you ask me to show you my office,
and that’s why I asked you to dance.

Most people pack up their fans in September.
Some people pack up their tables in April.
Only you sweat with me all through December,
and that’s why I asked you to dance.

Most people want me to say what I've heard.
Some people want me to prove that it’s true.
Only you want me to see if it matters,
and that’s why I asked you to dance.

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