Thursday, May 7, 2009


I can’t think of anything as bad
as your sad fate. If only I was there,
looked in on you more often, I could say,
“This awful thing took place before my eyes.”

Nothing is as tragic as demise
that did not have to happen, and transpired
though something in a crushed and withered heart
could never let the outer shell expire.

I can’t think of anything as bad
as your amazing face, forever clenched
until its bloom and beauty turned to stone
like several threats of childhood made good

Nothing is as tragic as demise
that no one even notices, until
searching for someone or something else
leads them to a corpse too dry to stink.

I can’t think of anything as bad
as being your own tombstone, letting all
that disappointment turn you into that
which everything within you most despised.

And you,who loved me more than I deserved,
although the memories never ceased to hurt,
forgave me far more often than was wise
I can’t think of anything as bad.
Nothing is as tragic as demise.

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